Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Poem: Her Name

I posted this on Facebook, and a friend asked to share it. I wanted to add the Creative Commons 'copyright' explanation, and for that, it's better to have it on a blog. Maybe I'll post more of my poetry here...

Her Name
by Sue VanHattum  (Fall, 1988)

I never believed in God in his heaven.
My God-Who-Might-Be always tried to be a She/He.
Heaven was a pleasant thought,
But as I grew, heavens of any sort seemed less important
Than this world of ours, needy of our loving attention.

I never believed.
But when I started hugging trees
I began to wonder.

Here is my church, in the green splendor of trees and leaves,
A temple filled with life.

Sitting among onions in the dirt
I meditate, pulling weeds.
This earth is a generous mother, feeding us well.

A hot spring,
Its rocky pool surrounded by big white moon flowers
Is sanctuary.
I can worship sun, water,
And the earth’s bony desert presence,
Or just be still, at peace.

The earth is my source
Life and the forces of life
Sacred and powerful
Calling me home.

I never believed
But now I can name my joy and wonder
As the goddess in me connects
With the goodness in sun, water, earth, and tree.

Creative Commons License
Her Name by Sue VanHattum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.